Saturday, December 28, 2019

What Are PET Plastics

PET Plastics are some of the more commonly discussed plastics when searching for solutions for drinking water. Unlike other types of plastics, polyethylene terephthalate is considered safe and is represented on water bottles with the number 1, indicating it is a safe option. These plastics are a type of thermoplastic polymer resin, useful in various applications including in synthetic fiber production, in containers containing food and in thermoforming applications. It does not contain polyethylene - despite its name. The History John Rex Whinfield, along with James Tennant Dickson and others who worked for the company Calico Printers Association, initially patented PET plastics in 1941. Once created and found to be highly effective, production of products using PET plastics became more popular. The first PET bottle was patented years later in 1973. At that time, Nathaniel Wyeth created the first official PET bottle under this patent. Wyeth was the brother of a well-known American painter named Andrew Wyeth. Physical Properties A number of benefits come from the use of PET plastics. Perhaps one of the most important characteristics of it is its intrinsic viscosity. It absorbs water from the surroundings, which makes it hydroscopic as well. This allows the material to be processed using a common molding machine and then dried. It has an excellent level of wear resistance compared to other plastics.It has a high flexural modulus (making it flexible.)It has a superior level of stability making it versatile and strong.It has a low coefficient of friction making it useful in various applications in which other plastics are not.The plastics chemicals do not leak into the fluid or food stored within it - making it one of the most important products for food storage. The plastics chemicals do not leak into the fluid or food stored within it - making it one of the most important products for food storage.  These physical properties make it an advantageous option for manufacturers who need safe plastics for use with food products or for continuous use. Uses in Everyday Life There are both industrial- and consumer-related uses for PET plastics. The following are some examples of the most common uses for polyethylene terephthalate: It is commonly used in bottles and other plastic containers. This includes soda bottles, bakery products, water bottles, peanut butter jars and even in frozen foods packaging.It is used to hold cosmetics. Since it is easy to mold, manufacturers can create very specific shapes for a variety of cosmetic products.It is commonly used for the storage of chemicals, including household cleaners. Why do manufacturers turn to PET plastics when they could choose other types of materials that may be more readily available? PET plastics are durable and strong. Most applications can be used repeatedly (recycling is a possibility with these products). In addition, it is transparent, making it quite versatile for various applications. It is resealable; because it is easy to mold into any shape, it is easy to seal. It is also unlikely to shatter. Moreover, perhaps most importantly in many applications, it is an inexpensive type of plastic to use. Recycling PET Plastics Makes Sense RPET plastics are a similar form to PET. These are created after the recycling of polyethylene terephthalate. The first PET bottle to be recycled occurred in 1977. As a main component in many of the plastic bottles used today, one of the most common discussions about PET plastics is recycling it. It is an estimate that the average household generates about 42 pounds of plastic bottles containing PET annually. When recycled, PET can be used in numerous ways for various applications, including use in fabrics such as t-shirts and undergarments. It can be used as a fiber in polyester-based carpeting. It is also effective as a fiberfill for winter coats and for sleeping bags. In industrial applications, it can be very effective for strapping or in film and can be useful in the creation of automobile products including fuse boxes and bumpers.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay about Actual and Symbolic Barriers in Robert...

Actual and Symbolic Barriers in Robert Frosts Mending Wall The appearance of barriers, both literal and figurative, is significant to the narrative of Robert Frosts Mending Wall. The story in this piece revolves around a wall separating two men, their yards, and their lives. The wall is not only a physical boundary; it also symbolizes the barriers between the two in other aspects of their lives. The most noticeable barrier in this work is obviously the wall dividing the yard. The reason for a wall between the trees is unknown to the narrator and the reader. The speaker questions the need for the fence when he says, Before I built a wall Id ask to know/ What I was walling in or walling out, / And to whom I was like to give†¦show more content†¦Wanting the boulders to fall after the other mans back is turned shows that they like to keep personal difficulties, and maybe even pleasures, within their own lives and not share them with others. At the same time, the wall offers the speaker a chance to be with people outside of his own private world. He does not need his neighbor in order to mend this side of the wall, because usually they each take care of their own sides. The speaker sees this spring time ritual as just another kind of outdoor game, / One on a side. This suggests the speaker is in favor of companionship between he and his neighbor. Whether the neighbor takes pleasure in this game is not clear. The neighbors motto is Good fences make good neighbors. This ambiguous statement leaves the reader and speaker unsure of what causes the neighbors desire for the wall. The neighbor returns to the ritual each year when he does have the choice of refusing; once he is there, though, he does not make any attempt to show that he is there for the company. Not knowing the neighbors ideas of why fences are good neighbors creates a barrier between the reader and understanding him. The only perspective given is that of the speaker. The speakers description of the neighbor is not positive. He describes the neighbor as an old-stoneShow MoreRelatedLove and Nature in the Poems of Robert Frost Essay2313 Words   |  10 Pageshas made all the difference.† (Frost 697) Robert Frost was a unique writer of the 20th century. In his poems â€Å"Nothing Gold Can Stay† Birches Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Fire and Ice and Mending Wall Robert Frost explores the theme of nature, an d the human emotion love. Robert Frost is considered a humanist and is one of the most well-known American poets. â€Å"If the United States ever adopted a national poet, chances are it would be Robert Frost. By the time Frost died in 1963 at the

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Rose Colored Glasses free essay sample

I live with rose colored glasses on, editing it all to make sure that they are my soul mate. Well not really Just someone I can share my love with. Most of my friends know what they get themselves in to but with me it is the same story but a different girl. I bleed my heart out sharing the one thing I hold dear in this world. Its not holding you. Its not telling you I love you. Its not showing you how much you mean to me by imagining how beautiful that continental smile you have is and how one day ill be able to taste those lips and and hold your hands and fly away to that one place where o one can reach me.Just you and you only,. My heart. I taught I would sail away in this relation Ship with you but I guess there were too many people, so we sank. We will write a custom essay sample on Rose Colored Glasses or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I never even imagined it could come to this. I loved you with all of me and expected the same back but you wanted to get it all and see if two is really better than one. You didnt have the decency to tell me so instead you hint it with that book that has a picture of your face. You told me he was a friend yet you held him like a lover. You told me it doesnt mean anything yet you were cooking for him. U told you would never lie yet you did it right inferno of my face. You hurt me but you didnt Just hurt me you slaughtered me. Leaving me like the fool I was to love you. Patronizing me telling me you love me and he Is Just a friend but what you dont realize is you might lie for friends but lining to your boyfriend is what got us In to this situation. Your cold hearted and still dont realize It. The high had for you Is gone Instead IM at the lowest point In my life, looking at this David bottle like It will set me free.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

In-Home Care for the Elderly free essay sample

In-home care is more convenient for the elderly, so they can continue to live at home and have the care givers come to them. There are many different companies that will provide the in-home care. It is an alternative that is, more cost effective then nursing homes. Many have elderly family members, who are unable to take care of themselves. The toughest choice is trying to decide who is going to provide the care they need. According to the article â€Å"Public Policies Should Help the Elderly Live at Home†, published by the National Association of Area Agencies of Aging (2005), aging adults overwhelming want to remain in their own homes as opposed to living in a nursing home or board and care center. In a 1999 ruling known as the Olmstead decision, the U. S. Supreme Court agreed that elderly and disabled people should be able to live in the community in the least restrictive setting possible. We will write a custom essay sample on In-Home Care for the Elderly or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Being that I have elderly grandparents, I feel in-home care is a great option with a variety of benefits for the elderly. As children we are taught to be independent. As we grow, we never depart from that. Elderly people don’t want to be a burden to their family. In-home care helps the elderly resume responsibility and be independent with their daily lives. This gives the elderly a good sense of self-worth and wellbeing. They can become more dependent on themselves then others. It also helps them by being included in the process of in-home care. Keeping the elderly active with the caregiver doing daily routines, boosts morale. It also creates a common bond between patients and caregivers. Due to physical or mental health, some elderly needs assistance. Home health care companies help elders to achieve independence for as long as possible. According to Thompson (2005), national public policies should be changed to support home care and community-based services in order to best address the medical, social and environmental needs of the old. In-home care allows the elderly to feel safe and comfortable in their familiar surroundings. It can become challenging, when having to get acquainted to a new setting. Furthermore, with the new technology equipment always being updated, the elderly are able to stay at home then going to a nursing home. The companionship in-home care gives to the elderly enhances their lives. The one-on-one time and just having someone to be active with is refreshing. On a more personal level, family caregivers are taking on heavier burdens, reporting high levels of stress depression (Baluja amp; McIlro, 2012). Families seek in-home care agencies to get help taking care of the elderly. This helps to keep the burden off the family for instance, a person who needs help with daily routines and activities. By the elderly living at home, they can continue with their daily routines. The things they cherish the most and keep at heart do not have to be placed in storage as a result of having to rearrange for a smaller place. Their homes may hold memories, so it is understandable that a senior wouldnt want to leave. According to Baluja amp; McIlro (2012), over the past decade, provincial governments have significantly expanded home care and the number of recipients has grown by 51 per cent. To many in-home care attracts clients because of the ability to have care in the comfort of their own home. Some in-home care advantages are having the continuity of life and ability to stay with family, having loved ones near, can make up own schedule of care, hire for specific assignments, stay in the privacy and comfort of their own home and keep independence. One of the greatest advantages of in-home care is its flexibility. It can be customized to fit the plan of in-home care a senior may need. In addition, in-home care can be arranged for a senior who needs a couple of hours of care from a caregiver. Or, if a senior just needs a hand with housekeeping and errands, a home companion can be found to assist the patient in good quality home care. In-home care can be altered as a senior’s needs change. What’s great about in-home care is that seniors can get that one on one time. In a nursing home the caregiver has to care for numerous of patients at a time. However, at the patient’s home, caregivers are able to attend to the patient one on one.