Sunday, February 9, 2020

Informal Letter About Top Two Things I Learned This Semester About My Essay

Informal Letter About Top Two Things I Learned This Semester About My Writing - Essay Example In terms of the step-by-step process, there were a great many aspects that I learned about and skills I strengthened throughout the course. While I had previously viewed writing essays as a more free-form means of expression, I increasingly came to understand that in following certain steps my writing would improve. In these regards, I now begin my writing be developing a detailed outline of what I am going to write. In brainstorming and developing an outline, I am able to produce more developed ideas that ultimately make my essay stronger and more complex. While I recognized that writing constitutes specific forms, through this course I learned how to better adhere to these forms with the necessary structure and information. In these regards, I learned how to better develop an introductory paragraph that would set the tone of the essay, provide necessary background information, and include a thesis statement that would describe what the body paragraphs would contain. I also learned the importance of topic sentences that would lead to sentences that contained examples and information that supported the main purpose of the essay. Finally, I came to understand the importance of a conclusion paragraph that would summarize the key points that were raised in the body paragraphs. The other thing I learned about my writing during this course was the importance of the research process.

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